The Black Holocaust Society
A Black Holocaust
In America
The East St. Louis
Massacre of July 2, 1917
"The Day The American Dream Became
The American Nightmare"
Item ID: ESL001 - $19.95 + $5.00 Shipping US
"Nothing Kills Like Depraved White Men
No Other Man...No Other Beast"
Gregory Brown, Director - Black Holocaust Society
"Terrorism is as American as Apple Pie"
By Dr. Gregory E. Brown
Between 1824 and 1951 there were over 300 events classified as “White Race Riots” in which entire white communities turned on Black Americans and destroyed entire Black communities and murdered Blacks in mass. There were 26 such major events in major cities across the US during the summer of 1919 alone. This period has been tagged by historians as “The Red Summer of 1919”, because the events all happened from May to October of that year and the blood of their victims literally painted the streets of America.
That year, tens of hundreds of Black Americans were killed, maimed and made refugees for economic, social, political and other reasons both real and imaginary. They even killed Blacks for recreation activities in rural areas in events called "Friday Night Boot Burnings" (the burning of a Black man at a stake or bonfire) or " Picnic" (a slang term for pick a nigger for lynching} Lynching became a common weekly event to kill the monotony of rural life. It was not uncommon for whites to eat, drink, dance and sing as they created a sadistic festive atmosphere, while their victims suffered from torture. White men, men women and children all participated in what was best described as " orgies of murder and mayhem."
Many times whites massacred based on perceived notions, such as in Helena and Phillips, Arkansas in 1919. They envisioned Black union meetings were an organized uprising and Negros were planning to kill whites in mass. Black farmers and farm workers simply held a meeting after forming a union and began to demand a fair accounting from the whites on their sharecropper accounts.
The whites who were cheating them for years, were paranoid and feeling depraved because they feared the great financial loss, hunted Blacks like dogs through the woods and killed 25 to 50 Blacks early in the manhunt. They wounded many and caused every Black citizen in every surrounding county to flee for their lives. Today, Blacks in Helena and Phillips County are now planning to seek reparations for their ordeal. If you had a Black skin, you had two choices. You were either dead, or moving.
During the Red Summer Riots of 1919, a common characteristic in every case was the Black American was alone when it came to protecting or defending himself and his community. Many had assumed then, as we do now, that our government is supposed to protect us from invaders from within our borders and from foreign nations. THEY WERE DEADLY WRONG! After studying White Race Riots for 9 years, collecting relecs, investigating reports, newspaper reports and first hand testamonials, I have determined based on the circumstances that Black Americans must protect and defend themselves from invaders within these United States. This assumption is based on the following findings:
1. No government military branches where there to protect them. The National Guardsmen would join the rioters and shoot Blacks too. Many just looked the other way because they hated "niggers" too. Or they came in time to put out fires, mostly in the white sections of town, or white owned rental properties in the Black neighborhood only.
2. The local Police joined or aided the white rioters. Policemen burned out women and children and took target practice for sport and wager, as the killed Blacks and threw them back into the flames that they attempted to escape. They disarmed Blacks and stud back to let the white rioters do what they wanted without fear of justice or the law. In the Tulsa Race Riot of 1921, police flew airplanes and dropped nitroglycerin and dynamite on 600 Black businesses, burned 1500 homes and destroyed a 35 square block area of the Black community of Tulsa also known as the Greenwood District. It was so prosperous it was nationally known as Black Wall Street. The riot was intended to put Blacks back in their place.
3. The American Legion and the KKK were also used against the Blacks. These whites were made up of white military veterans and fraternal organizations that offered their services in tracking down and killing Blacks. They often lead in mobs and initiated the riddling of many of their Black victims. Even ROTC cadets assisted in hunting, dragging, burning, killing and maiming during post war times.
4. In all cases, not one white person was ever convicted of murdering a Black person regardless of how horrible their crimes. In some cases, the KKK had nothing to do with this attitude. It was in the fabric of white American society that they protect their status at all cost. Blacks had no value and no souls. Blacks had no rights. Blacks weren't people. To whites, ALL Blacks were niggers. Blacks were de-humanized so whites could commit any heinous act without guilt and with impunity. It's hard to kill one human being, but easy to kill a thousand niggers.
5. In Detroit 1943, 4300 Federal Troops wounded 2500 Blacks after the last of the great white race riots. Police, local whites, National Guard and Federal troops turned on Black Detroit. Blacks were beaten openly in public by literally thousands of whites chasing and beating blacks while police searched and disarmed Blacks, to make them easy prey. The Detroit Police Department participated in many murders and freely participated in mayhem towards Black American. Every Black person in sight was searched and even their pocket knives were removed. Then they were left to the white rioters who in turn, maimed or murdered a totally defenseless victim. Police were rerouting Blacks in motor vehicles to dead ends where white rioters where waiting to beat and murder them. Many Blacks had placed their faith in the hands of Police for protection, only to have that trust betrayed.
6. The forms of murder in white race riots were also similar in each case, which included but not limited to: Lynching, burning, castration, stoned to death, riddled, just plain shot, dragged in the street, drowned, beat, punched, hit with blunt objects, heads split with an axe and more than can imagined only by a ungodly person. It was common for a single Black victim to incur all of the above forms of punishment from his fellow American. Bodies have been subjected to this type of treatment with as many as 100 plus individual whites to 1 Black victim. Many bodies were reported to be punished for hours after the victim was already dead.
7. They cut up the victims bodies into parts for resale as, souvenirs, mementos, and mantle pieces. Black victims had hearts, lips, ears, fingers, spleen, liver, lungs, intestines, penis, hands, heads, scrotum and all other body parts and even the Black fetus was not spared. A poor Black pregnant woman had her unborn child cut from her womb as she burned at the stake. While she was inflamed a white man stepped from the crowd, slit her stomach with his pocket knife, and when the fetus fell to the ground, he stomped it and said "One less nigger". Thousands of curbside spectators slapped their knees and laughed in amusement. The Black woman's crime: She had disputed the word of a white man that accused her husband of raping a white woman. For her protest after they lynched her husband before her eyes, they tied her to a tree, poured gas on her, oil and set her on fire.
In the terms of property damage. Whole city blocks in Black communities have been burned to the ground and many Black property owners had to abandon their homes while running for dear life, with only the cloths on their backs, if they were lucky enough to live through home invasions, hails of bullets, and fire bombs during the initial attack. Many of the aftermaths resemble ground zero of a nuclear blast. In the Tulsa riot, you could see from one end of the Black business district, and see clear to the opposite side without the obstruction of your view by any physical objects. The land was totally leveled for 3 miles through Black Tulsa.
White race riots caused over 375,000 Blacks to leave the Southern border states, and flood the Northern States. Even in states as far north as Minnesota were still unsafe as riots became more of a characteristic in northern cities, than in the South. Many as refugees with only the shirts on their backs. This period in history is called "The Great Migration" In the summer of 1919 the riots. White Race Riots occurred mainly in the northern states, while individual lynchings were more common in rural areas in the South.
Blacks involved in other riots between 1917 and 1923, recalled the horrors of the East St. Louis race riot, in which 250 to 700 Blacks (or more) were massacred in the most gruesome fashion, dared to fight back. They decided it was better to fight a good losing battle, than to die like rats in a barrel. Blacks armed themselves in mass in order to defend themselves. Not to initiate attacks on whites. Blacks across the nation refused to disarm themselves when requested to do so by law enforcement and conveyed to whites, that they are ready to maintain and use arms, whether the whites liked it or not, if threatened. If such an event occurred today, Blacks would be sufficiently unarmed because of past and current gun control laws, that were enacted specifically to disarm them. We would be virtually caught like deer in the head lights.
The most recognized massacre of Blacks in mass in our time, came to light in the movie “Rosewood” in which the small Black township in Florida was destroyed and an estimated 150 Blacks were killed as the township was literally wiped from the face of the earth in 1923, and more recently revealed Tulsa Race Riot of 1921, where an estimated 300 to 3000 Blacks were killed in just 12 hours. Over 7800 were left homeless and over 17,000 fled for their lives by foot, train, automobile and horseback or any other means of transportation. Whites used crop duster airplanes nitroglycerin and dynamite to bomb and destroy over 600 Black businesses in a 35 square block area. This was the real "Oklahoma City Bombing"
Survivors of the Tulsa so called riot, that was really a massacres, have successfully gained reparations for the murderous and destructive acts of white Americans upon their ancestors. As bad as each of these events were, none before or since then equal the level of barbarity, butchery and savagery committed by white Christian men women and children, at 11:oclock am, on July 2nd 1917. “The East St. Louis Massacre of 1917”.
Details Are Finally Revealed
Now the grizzly details of the worse case of “American Terrorism”, is revealed in a booklet published by the Black Holocaust Society of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in its series called “A Black Holocaust in America”. The BHS was created for the purpose of researching holocaustic events in American history such as “white” race riots and lynchings. The first in the series released June 19th 2002 is, "The East St. Louis Massacre of 1919" which is a compilation of official investigative reports, testimonials and newspaper articles, that reveal the hidden and ugly history of racism in America. The BHS presents "A Black Holocaust In America" history seminars across the United States.
The first report, “The History of The East St. Louis Race Riot”, was written by Ida B. Wells-Barnett (The "real" mother of civil rights) on the 3rd day of the riots. She was sent to investigate after the Colored Citizens of Chicago got word of the atrocities against innocent Black men, women and children. The details covered in her report are so vile, so gross that the United States Military Intelligence Division on Negro Subversives, confiscated the report and locked it up classified “TOP SECRET” and sealed it until 1986, in the vaults of the War Department in Washington DC.
Even though her report was spirited away by US Army soldiers a week after it was written, it was sent to the 65th Congress as requested by the Colored Citizens of Chicago. The 65th Congress created a sub-committee to investigate the massacre and the results were even more hideous than Mrs. Barnett’s independent report. So embarrassing to America overseas, that from over 6000 pages of sworn testimony and evidence produced by its hearings, Congress only allowed a 24 page summary of its work to be published. They intentionally refused to disclose the results of the full investigation. It was sealed and never mentioned again. "Until now."
Congress in its great wisdom, decided that the circumstances surrounding “The East St. Louis Massacre of 1917” were to be preserved for future generations to deal with. The effect that resulted was, that all of the hundreds to thousands of whites that murdered between 250 and 700 unarmed Black men, women and children in the most despicable ways ever chronicled in American history, none would ever be brought to justice to pay for their crimes.
The criminals are all so old today they are either already dead or dieing. That includes Black survivors of the holocaust. The act of hiding the details of the horrific event also deprived Black America of justice. It is pure and simple premeditated case of “Justice Denied."
Excerpt from the East St. Louis Race Riot of 1919
The East Side Atrocities: “Carlos Hurd of the Post-Dispatch staff, who was an eyewitness of the atrocities on the East Side, told a plain circumstantial story of the outrage he witnessed. "The assaults and murders were cold-blooded, deliberate and incredibly brutal. They were not the mob infuriated against particular offenders. They were the work of groups of men and women who sought on, and burned out the Negroes and then shot, beat, kicked and hanged them. The work was done in a spirit of flippant, relentless barbarism. Mr. Hurd described it as a manhunt."
“Get a nigger,” was the slogan, and it was varied by the recurrent cry, “Get another!” It was like nothing so much as the holiday crowd, with thumbs turned down, in the Roman Coliseum, except that here the shouters were their own gladiators, and their own wild beasts.”
“The news of these murders and fresh outrages spread rapidly, and the streets soon filled with excited people. Men and boys, girls and women of the town began to attack every Negro in sight. All fared alike, young and old, women and children; none was spared. The crowd soon grew to riotous proportions, and for hours the man hunt continued, stabbing, clubbing and shooting, not the guilty but unoffending Negroes. One was hanged from a telephone pole and another had a rope tied around his neck and was dragged through the streets, the maddened crowd kicking and beating him as he lay prostrate and helpless.”
“The Greatest Outrage of the Century"
Ida B. Wells-Barnett
Adolph Hitler was a corporal in the Austrian army on this day in 1917, and even he shunned white America for its level of savagery. As an historical foot note, some historians feel the Germans got their plan for their "final solution" to the Jewish problem from America’s treatment of Blacks between 1914 and 1935. The newspaper accounts of the East St. Louis Massacre were widely circulated in the French, English and German press.
Nazi Germans realized that if the entire dominant community is against a minority or unpopular members of that community, after sufficient vilification of the minority or unpopular group, the dominant group can do what they want no matter how horrible, of punishment, if any, will mirror public opinion. The Nazi cause was also the same. White Supremacy.
That future generation the 65th Congress left the circumstances evolving around this event to deal with, is US. The complete reports are direct transcripts of original "CLASSIFIED TOP SECRET" investigative reports with first person accounts and testimonials of actions too graphic vile to print here. Each document is formatted for publication only. All of the reports are historically true and as accurate as its original author intended.
"You won’t find this information in
ANY American history book!"
The East St. Louis Massacre of 1917 is exhibit “A” as evidence for reparations for past atrocities against Black Americans. Not as former slaves, but as human beings and free citizens of the United States.
"It is the ultimate end of unchecked American Racism"
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Dr. Gregory E. Brown, Director
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AKA " The Angry Black Man"
"Nothing Kills Like Depraved White Men
No Other Man ..... No Other Beast"